For International Volunteer Day, we’d love to shout out one of our favourite groups – Quoin Island Turtle Rehabilitation Centre. 

Based in Central Queensland, the centre is dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of sick and injured sea turtles. Sea turtles are gentle creatures that are heavily impacted by human activity such as boating, fishing, and littering, but luckily the dedicated Quoin Island team have a dedicated care program with more than 70 per cent rehabilitation rate. After they are cared for, rehabilitated turtles get reintroduced to the wild, with the highlight for many volunteers being able to release the turtles into the ocean. 

These heroes in a half shell get named when they are cared for, with some of the stand outs being Nugget, Squirt, Touché and the lovable Rosie. 

More than 100 people have volunteered their time to this amazing cause this year, caring for the 98 turtles that have been brought into care in 2022.

A turtle-ly awesome cause

Volunteers feed the turtles some of their favourite treats like squid and cabbage, and treating injuries such as lacerations from boats. 

Live-in volunteers also provide around the clock care to the rescued turtles including Green Sea Turtles, Flatbacks, critically endangered Hawksbills, and endangered Loggerheads.

Thanks to 24 green bins donated by Containers for Change and the generosity of many recyclers, more than 19,000 container refunds have been donated to Quoin Island Turtle Rehabilitation Centre.

An extra boost

The organisation also got a boost from the local legends at CQ Container Recycling who donated $10,000 cash to help the turtles this year.

Group of people holding a large novelty cheque

Returning containers is a win-win for all marine life: not only can the refunds go to a great cause, but it also stops containers from entering our environment and polluting our oceans and these amazing creatures. 

Cheers to all of the volunteers that dedicate their time to help our turtle friends! If you’d like to donate your container refunds to Quoin Island Turtle Rescue, use their ID C10144592 or donate directly to their PayPal here.

How group fundraising works

How group fundraising works

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