Need some extra cash for the holidays? It could be sitting right under your nose. Or under your house. Or at your neighbour’s place. Or even in your recycling bin. Because now that Christmas and New Year are over, it’s easy to find a whole stack of empty bottles and cans just waiting to be cashed in with Containers for Change.

Women holding empty wine bottle putting into crate

Just think of all the things you could spend it on – movies, theme parks, a meal at your favourite café or you could even donate some of that cash to a cause you care about. 

Start collecting!

Best of all, you’ll have lots of holiday fun just collecting containers and cashing them in at your local refund point. Here are a few suggestions for fun ways to collect:

The more containers you collect, the more cash you’ll earn. So start collecting now and cheers to enjoying your 10c refunds! There are over 360 of them all over Queensland – just click here to find one near you.
